I want to go to a yeezy concert...

If only to witness something like this in person. Call him arrogant. Call him a douchebag. But ultimately you gotta agree with everything he says here. No other artist has such a near-perfect discography..NOBODY.

Contrasting hip hop with classical music has long been a kindler of flame wars across the internet (also racist). Its apples to oranges buuut a taste of kanye (||) could be just what opens minds..

Also his live show needs to get on this level

I cannot grow old in Salem's lot

I am been a mindless consumer. See forum, read forum. See picture, read picture. See video, watch video. I'm stuck in a cycle of temporary pleasures, all without producing or adding anything of substance.

Now, will this blog change anything?

Maybe. Maybe not. All I know is that I'm definitely tired of monotony. It's gotten me to this point. I've got to formulate a plot. I need an outlet. I want an outlet.

Starting for this point on, everything changes. I will produce.

A sentence. A paragraph. A poem. An article. An essay. A picture. A question. Something. Anything.

So hear I go with my shot. Feet fail me not.

tha blog is hot

I remember reading somewhere that modern maturity is defined by creating more and consuming less. By that definition I am an 8 year old who shits his pants. So this blog has been made in the pursuit of productivity. Tired from the mindless consumption of blog rolls and tumblr scrolls we have decided we must produce and create...no matter how shitty the outcome.

Hopefully this becomes a dump site for cool shit like music, art, movies, tv shows, and interesting happenings and thoughts and ideas. At worst we repost stupid videos like once a week...actually at worst we post here like once a month repeating the same shit about trying to be productive but never actually doing anything.

Yeah so hopefully that doesn't happen.

Peace imma post more bullshit later.
My next post shall be "BowWow: The Story of the Walking L"
