Ayo forreals when will i learn. It's 6AM I have a presentation in 3 hours and a midterm worth 30% in 8 hours but only 3 more hours of studying available.


 Like I have never been more clueless about something in my life none of this shit makes any sense to me. I am confident that I will be getting a zero...or at least the lowest mark in class. I will be that dude pulling the average down. And I have no idea how this happened...okay I have some idea. Didnt really go to class, never read the notes, no textbook, i'm really tired, etc.

I can no longer go on blaming my infantile disregard for my own future as a symptom of senioritis. That shit has passed. This is something else. Something...more sinister

I have no drive to learn. No passion. I can't seem to think past my undergraduate career. It feels like it doesn't matter, that everything will fall into place. Maybe cus that's what's happened throughout my life so far. Didn't really do much, things kinda fell into place..

But the thing is, even if I haven't found my "passion" just yet, I still have to figure out how to work. Something I've avoided for the past 7 years. And I know I've probably repeated this sentiment to all of my friends and to my parents every semester and I've told myself I'd do better and I know I've never followed through...but I'm inching closer and closer to the bottom and I gotta stop. I know this post might be as futile as every other time I've said I'd change, but maybe one more public testament to my failures will motivate me...or at least give me something to read and cry over when i'm 34, living with my parents.

So today Sharkface resigns from KTT and HB. I know, I know:
Can't leave forums alone, the game neeed me 
It's gonna be hard, but I can do it. Imma get 70% in this course. Don belee me juh watch.
Now I'm gonna go wash myself in a public washroom with wet paper towels on that homeless swag. Peace out. Express your disappointment/motivation/apathy in the comments below.


  1. Published 3:47 AM

    An article written while you were supposed to study, about how you were supposed to study, but didn't

  2. i was already hopeless when i wrote this.

  3. 1 year later...

    i didnt learn.

    everything was the same :(
