"The Oscar goes to Beasts of the Southern Wild" and Other Statements That Would Cause This Reaction

  • "The final exam is cumulative."
  • "I think Kanye West is just alright."
  • "Sorry sir, we don't have honey mustard, just regular."
  • "Cash only."
  • "I'm telling you, 2013 is Hoodie Allen's year."
  • "Man, I don't fuck with all-dressed chips."
  • "I didn't like Django. They said the N-word too much."
  • "Don't got a large chocolate milk. Do you want a small?"
  • "I'm looking for a friend."
  • "This bus is short-turning."
  • "This bus is not in service."
  • "There is a delay both ways at <INSERT STATION NAME HERE> Station."
  • "There is a $1.50 surcharge."
  • "if you can't handle me at my worst, then you dont deserve me at my best
alright, i'm done. gotta get back to my lecture. the prof's talking about the natural laws of capitalism. can't miss this.


  1. So I hear my cover's been blown. Thanks a lot, doppelgangster. Just for that, I'm not using your gay two dots over the a thing in your name, which thanks to Wiki I know is called an umlaut, as a sign of protest. And not because I'm too lazy to Ctrl+C Ctrl+V that shit in.

  2. Wow did you just say "gay"?

    We don't tolerate that here

